The Mac in the enterprise.
Why it pays off.

Study assignment:
The economic benefits of the Mac in the enterprise.
Forrester Consulting was commissioned by Apple to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study. The study examined the potential return on investment (ROI) that companies could achieve by deploying Apple computers. To do this, seven enterprise customers with experience of implementing the Mac in their business were interviewed. The companies are representative of industries such as financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, sales and technology. They have each implemented between 500 and over 20 000 Apple computers.
Framework structure and methodology of the study.
Four fundamental elements of TEI formed the basis for modelling Mac's impact: benefits, costs, flexibility and risks. Given the increasing complexity on ROI analyses related to IT investments, Forrester's TEI methodology serves to provide a complete picture of the total economic impact of purchasing decisions.

The figures speak for themselves.
Quantified total benefit:
Despite the estimated purchase cost of USD 1500 for a Mac compared to USD 1200 for a PC, when considering hardware, software, support and operating costs over three years, the Mac is still USD 843 less than the cost of a comparable PC. This equates to approximately CHF 776 savings per device.
Higher productivity and motivation lead to higher employee performance.
The Mac is easier and faster to deploy.
Improved security and a 50% reduction in the risk of a data breach per Mac.
In the long run, a Mac can cost less.
Fewer support tickets, less software required, higher value retention - the savings add up. Compared to a PC, a Mac can save about USD 843 in three years.

Cost analysis.
Based on the customer surveys, Forrester concluded that Mac devices have reduced costs when the hardware and software costs of a comparable PC over three years are taken into account. Forrester also found that the difference in support and operating cost savings was even higher for Mac devices.