Defense, protection and conservation
of the oceans. Worldwide.

Sea Shepherd is a non-profit marine conservation organization. Their mission is to end habitat destruction and the
slaughter of wildlife in the world's oceans. This will preserve marine
ecosystems and protect biodiversity. For a future that concerns everyone, because our oceans produce over 70% of the world's oxygen.

Sea Shepherd works
for future generations.

For the past 40 years, Sea Shepherd has defended ocean life worldwide. Under the leadership of Captain Paul Watson, the first conservation campaigns focused on protecting seals in Canada and defending whales against illegal commercial whaling.

Since then, Sea Shepherd has become a global movement fighting to protect endangered marine life and ecosystems, take action against the worst environmental criminals on the planet, and ensure that protecting the oceans and their most vulnerable inhabitants becomes a global priority.

Sea Shepherd aims to inspire everyone to make positive changes, for the conservation of our oceans and all life on our planet.


Become part of the movement.

Become a part of the movement now and support Sea Sheperd by buying a cool merchandise item with your next purchase from us. 100% of the net proceeds from the sale of the items will go to the organization.

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